Charlotte Heating Repair Common Causes

July 14, 2014by Sophie The Dog

filtersAs luck has it, homeowners sometimes need Charlotte heating repair in the dead of winter when the temperatures are at the lowest. The system quits working and your family is left cold and frustrated. Luckily, most furnace and heating system repairs are able to be carried out fast. The majority of the common problems can be repaired with little cost. Contact Patterson Heating and Air to handle your problem immediately and restore warm comfort to your home.

Limitations on HVAC air flow

The amount of air flow coming through the HVAC system can create a common heating problem. Correct air flow is needed because it keeps the heating system properly working and consistent heat throughout the home. Anything that clogs the ductwork, fans, or vents can hinder the entire unit. This causes overheating in the system. Without correcting the problem fast, the motor and other components can become damaged. If you find yourself with limited or no heat coming in, this is more than likely the problem.

Thermostat problems with your furnace

Another frequently found problem does not have to do with the furnace or heating system itself but rather the thermostat. If your thermostat stops working, you may think the entire system is broke or is need of repairs. A broken thermostat can cause the fan to stop running, prevent heat from coming through and create an uncomfortable home. It takes a professional to diagnose this problem as it may be tricky to determine it is in fact the thermostat and not the system itself. If you suspect your thermostat is causing the heating problem in your home, give Patterson a call. We can safely fix or replace the thermostat.

Dirty or clogged furnace filters

One of the most common reasons technicians are called to repair a heating system in Charlotte is due to air flow problems caused by clogged filters. Clean filters prevent dust and foreign particles from infiltrating the motor and fans within the system. When they become blocked with debris, air cannot properly flow through it. It is necessary to replace the filter each month during peak usage. If it has been a few months since you last replaced your system’s filters, it’s best to call Patterson Heating and Air to replace them. This allows us to inspect the system and make sure nothing was affected by the lack of air flow.

When it comes to heating repair in Charlotte, it is best to do it as soon as possible. The longer a faulty system is running, the more damage can occur which may lead to complete system failure. It is also important to note that preventative maintenance should be considered to keep your unit working when you need it most. Patterson Heating and Air not only provides professional heating repair but also offers Comfort Guard Protection plans that allows the system to last longer while also keeping your energy costs lower.

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Charlotte, NC 28206


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